Featured Work
Below you will find just a few examples of the work undertaken by IDHA Consulting. If you would like to find out more, or if you would like a full CV from Martine, please contact her directly using the contact information listed on our 'Contact Us' page.
Lebanon - UN Development Programme
March, 2023 - December, 2023
Team Leader
Evaluation of UNDP's Lebanon Host communities Support Programme, wherein IDHA assessed the results of the programme, which included findings on community tensions, and local economic development in the region as a product of cash for work programmes and the rehabilition of community assets and infrastructure.
Syria - UN World Food Programme
August, 2022 - December, 2023
Team Leader
Evaluation of WFP's Country Strategic Plan, assessing the efficacy of humanitarian assistance, nexus/transitioning programming, cash assistance, food security and social safety nets, which included in-country visits to the region from May to June 2023.
Yemen - Swiss Development Cooperation
February, 2022 - December, 2022
Team Leader
Evaluation of SDC's Yemen Country Strategy, assessing the effectiveness and continued relevance of Switzerland's priorities in their strategy regarding Yemen's evolving context. There is also continued support for SDC in the development of a two-year transition programme for Yemen.
Jordan - UN World Food Programme
April, 2021 - April, 2022
Team Leader
Assessment of WFP's Country Strategic Plan in Jordan, with thematic and sectoral focus on humanitarian assistance, cash assistance, social protection, social safety nets, Covid-19 response, resilience, livelihoods, food security, nutrition, nexus programming.
Global - Belgian Development Cooperation
August, 2020 - March, 2021
Team Leader
Evaluation of the core funding policy of the partner organisations of the Belgian development cooperation. Assess relevance, effectiveness and coherence of the core funding policy for the Belgian cooperation and the 15 United Nations partner organisations.
Lebanon - UN World Food Programme
January, 2020 - January, 2021
Team Leader
Evaluation of the core funding policy of the partner organisations of the Belgian development cooperation. Assess the ongoing relevance and effectiveness of WFP’s country strategy in view of the rapid changing country context responding to both the Syrian refugee crisis and deepening national vulnerability.
Palestine - European Union
October, 2019 - March, 2020
Senior Evaluator
Mid-Term Review of the European Union Joint Strategy in Palestine. Responsible for assessment of livelihoods and economic opportunities; social protection; cross-cutting issues including gender and youth; humanitarian and development assistance in Area C, East Jerusalem and Gaza; 3-Nexus operationalisation; support for national civil society.
Middle East (Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and Iraq) - Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation
August, 2017 - February, 2018
Team Leader
Final evaluation of Swiss regional cooperation strategy. Assess the Swiss contribution to national and regional development and humanitarian results (with focus on delivery of basic services, education, water, protection, employment and economic opportunities). Appraise effectiveness and efficiency of programme priorities and operational mechanisms. Identify good practices and innovative approaches. Field visits to Iraq, Lebanon and Jordan.
Jordan and Syria - World Vision International
September, 2016 - October, 2016
Team Leader
Rapid humanitarian needs assessment of Syrian refugees in the Berm Area. Assessment of the humanitarian needs of refugees (health, water, shelter, protection). Use of innovative participatory approaches including mobile based survey tools. Realistic and operational recommendations for expanding humanitarian interventions for the Berm Area and South Syria including results frameworks.
Palestine - Norwegian People's Aid
January, 2015 - April, 2015
Team Leader
Evaluation of the NPA funded Palestine Humanitarian Programme. Evaluate the impact of the humanitarian assistance strategy and projects implemented through local civil society organisations in the West Bank, Gaza Strip and Jerusalem. Utilize participatory, quantitative and qualitative tools including semi-structured focus group discussions, community level survey tools. Focus on basic needs (food security, restoring livelihoods, access to health and education), community resilience (strengthening opportunities in the agricultural sector through access to water for farmers, water harvesting, agricultural supplies), early recovery post‐war, LRRD, and protection of youth, women and children affected by the conflict.
Palestine - Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
January, 2008 - December 2016
Team Leader and M&E Advisor
Worked on the Australia-Middle East NGO Cooperation Agreement. Support programme management and technical advice in M&E to DFAT, 8 International NGOs, 12 Palestinian NGOs and 32 CBOs for the implementation of a large‐scale development assistance programme. Sectoral focus on community resilience, agricultural sector development, supporting engagement with private sector, food security, livelihood opportunities for women and youth, protection, strengthening women’s participation in community decision making. Strong emphasis on agricultural interventions supporting the productivity of farming communities through improved access to water, introduction of new farming techniques and products, supporting cooperatives, linking farmers with markets and private sector. Develop joint programme level results framework and M&E strategy, including joint programme level goal, performance and impact indicators. Utilize participatory results-based M&E methods, gender analysis, focus on learning, gathering evidence to strengthen programme implementation and impact.
Furthermore, work was done based on DFAT funded 'Linking Farmers to Markets' Programme in West Bank and Gaza. Lead the inception phase of a large-scale food security and livelihoods programme promoting i) access to markets for farmers, ii) agricultural infrastructure development and iii) strengthening economic resilience, with a focus on women and youth.